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  • RSVP to Cash Only's Cannabis XXXmas Market

RSVP to Cash Only's Cannabis XXXmas Market

A free, 420-friendly holiday bazaar going down Saturday 12/17 in the LES!

Cash Only's Cannabis XXXmas Market is going down on Saturday, December 17th at a private location in the LES. Attendance is free if you RSVP.

The market will feature 30+ vendors, including folks selling clothes, jewelry, zines, food, and cannabis. All the cultural food groups, not just weed brands... but on-site consumption (including smoking) is allowed!

Expect to see your favorite delivery services, artisanal edibles, premium flower, and much more for this holidaze spectacular. There will also be marijuana mistletoe, marijuana menorahs, and even a Sativa Santa (sit on his lap and take a bong rip!)

If you RSVP here, the address will be shared over email as we get closer to the event date:

Vendors Include:

#DeanAndDeluca (the 420 one)

...and more!

Follow Cash Only on socials for more updates!InstagramTwitterwww.cashonly.studio